未來的挑戰與機會(The Challenges and Opportunities of the Future )Q&A
蔡英文演講前先對李遠哲說,「我向你們保證李教授絕對不會停止透過他的影響力去說服台灣的政治人物。所以,我要說:李教授,您說的話我聽到了,我要告訴您,因為您,我會思考將這個巴黎協議(Paris Agreement)放進我2016年的政策方向。」
Thank you, everybody. It's great to be back at the National Taiwan University.
Professor Lee, Pei-hung (培閎), Hsu-hua (栩華) and the rest of the young and talented organizers at GIS Taiwan, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Thank you for putting this event together. These events are important as we look towards how the next generation can contribute to our society. I also appreciate the welcome from our participants. By joining this event, you've shown that you've already taken the first steps in building a better future for all of us.
I heard that there were many foreign students here today. Are there any foreign students here from abroad? Please raise your hand.
Before I address the issue of the challenges and opportunities for the future, I have to say few words about Professor Lee. I assure you that he has never and will never stop trying to exercise whatever influence he has on the politicians here. So I heard what you have to say, and I want to tell you that because of you, I have taken into account of this forthcoming Paris agreement into my policy agenda for 2016.
在我演講「台灣未來的挑戰與機會」之前,我想要對李遠哲教授說幾句話。我向你們保證李教授絕對不會停止透過他的影響力去說服台灣的政治人物。所以,我要說,李教授,您說的話我聽到了,我要告訴您,因為您,我會思考將這個巴黎協議(Paris Agreement)放進我2016年的政策方向。
It’s going to be hard and it’s going to be very difficult for a government to take into account this Paris agreement. And it’s going to be a lot of challenges for us, especially at the time when we are trying to reshape and restructure our industries here. We have to make sure we have sufficient supply of energy given that we have an agenda to phase out nuclear power in 2025. So this is something of the challenge for the DPP, the next administration and Taiwan as a whole.
So, back to the issue at hand, as some of the best and brightest students in Taiwan, many of you must be thinking about how you can prepare yourself to meet the challenges of the future. And make no mistake, your future will be different from your parent's generation. Some parts of it will be better. Some parts may not go as expected. But to a large extent, this will depend on the decisions you make today.
That's what brings me here - the question of how we can get ourselves prepared to meet the opportunities and challenges of the next generation.
Last month, as some of you may know, we had an opportunity to visit the U.S. to speak with a wide range of policy-makers, scholars, and members of the Taiwanese community in the U.S.
In our final city, San Francisco, we arranged to meet with a number of technology companies and entrepreneurs. There are a few observations I want to share with you.
We had a discussion at Cisco one morning. They showed us some of the innovative ideas they were working on, including how this idea called the Internet of Things is opening up new opportunities in countries all over the world.
It is a broad concept, but the heart of it is quite simple: It’s about how vehicles can communicate with each other to improve traffic flows; how power plants can communicate with electricity meters for more efficiency; and how people can communicate with government for more accessibility to basic services.
These ideas were being discussed in a meeting room in San Francisco. But they have the potential to change how long a motorist waits at a red-light in Keelung.
It’s a new era of finding global solutions for local challenges and, perhaps, vice-versa. And we need people that are capable of harnessing these solutions and bringing them back to Taiwan or from delivering them from Taiwan to the world.
My second observation took place in Facebook.
Within their headquarters was this floor-to-ceiling LCD that displayed in real-time all the Facebook interactions taking place around the world.
One of the brightest clusters was around Taiwan. We have the highest percentage of Facebook users in the world. These connections, which include friendships, business connections, and shared interests, extended to Japan, South East Asia, the United States, and other countries all over the world.
It was a pertinent remainder of how inherently global we all are, even though sometimes we do not see it on televisions or newspapers.
And being global is our strength: it’s why Taiwan exports more than Spain, Australia, and Brazil. It’s why we have NTU, one of the top universities in Asia. And it’s why we have such a diversity of cultures and experiences even right here on campus.
When people think about globalization, many tend to think about factories, free-trade, as well as its impact to laborers and workers, especially in higher-income countries like Taiwan. These are valid concerns and we must do everything we can to ensure that trade is responsible and that its benefits are equitably distributed.
But we must also recognize that globalization is more: it's also about finding our own place in the world.
The answer to this will vary, depending on the people you talk to. Politicians, for example, tend to define this statement in a geopolitical or strategic context, particularly given Taiwan’s precarious position in the world.
But globalization is different for a group of young entrepreneurs looking to raise capital for their start-ups.
For example, a group of ten young people in Taiwan recently kick-started their newest 3D printer in both Europe and Japan, where they raised over 7 million NT - exceeding their target 27 times over. This group, which comprised of just one person in 2013, now plans to one day sell their product all over the world.
It’s also different for young people leveraging technology to promote their local culture.
In Keelung, three culture enthusiasts recently launched an app that acts as a digital tour guide in museums and exhibitions, replacing cumbersome guidebooks and audio guides. Their first project? Ensuring that people, including tourists, have easier information about cultural landmarks in Keelung right at their fingertips.
These are true stories that are taking place right this minute all over Taiwan. We’ve put their stories up on my website.
Across the country, we're starting to see young people leverage globalization to create new opportunities for themselves and their communities. They show that the possibilities are truly endless.
There was one phrase I was especially fond of during the Sunflower Movement; that was '自己的國家自己救 - it's up to you to save your own country.' With your education and your skill set, today it's up to you to harness the new opportunities globalization is bringing.
It's up to you to define your own place in the world.
This doesn't mean that the government won't have a role. In fact, it gives the government a stronger imperative to focus its efforts on where it will count. The key idea is that it should facilitate opportunities where you can succeed.
The first thing we should be looking at is how to strengthen our education system.
At least by some metrics, Taiwanese have been better businesspeople than educators. Our top company is ranked number 32 on the Forbes 500 – but our top university is only ranked 155 on the latest Times Higher Education ranking.
We need to look at how we can reform the system so that it can play a more central role in upgrading our industries, cultivating talent, and engaging in research. We need to step back and identify areas of opportunity in our economy and make sure that we’re equipping our students with the necessary skills to take advantage of these opportunities.
The second is how we can better support innovation and associated business development.
In the past, two popular sayings we had in Taiwan were: ‘Everybody is an entrepreneur (人人都可以是創業者)’ and ‘Every family is a factory (家庭即工廠)’. We need to regain that spirit.
The knowledge economy means that new companies don’t necessarily need large factories, but they do need places where ideas can be traded. We should provide support for co-working spaces, maker bars, and other venues where innovation can take place.
And because we want innovation to take place sooner, rather than later, other areas where we need to work on include access to start-up capital, and ensuring that our regulatory environment is one that is conducive to international talent.
This brings me back to my last point, when is the best time to start? As an old proverb once said: “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
The fact is that Taiwan is at a crossroads, especially in terms of our economy.
On the one hand, some of our challenges are daunting. Our current economic track is unsustainable: studying hard and being a good student does not guarantee you a well-paying job or a decent lifestyle. A well-paying job does not guarantee you the prospect of one day buying an apartment.
Our industry remains driven by cost-based efficiency and not innovation-based value. The benefits of economic growth have not been fairly distributed within our society.
There is also a lack of trust in our government. The threat to our economic autonomy continues to be a great source of public unease. One after another, food safety scandals have undermined the faith in our institutions and products.
But on the other hand, we see a great source of optimism and opportunity.
Our young people are our best educated generation ever. No one is better equipped or prepared than you to take advantage of all the opportunities globalization is bringing.
I’m excited whenever I see a young hostel owner in Hualien use Air BnB to promote her business. Or when an entrepreneur compares the difference between raising funding for his start-up on Y Combinator in the U.S. or AppWorks here in Taiwan. I hear the enthusiasm when innovators talk about 3D printing or virtual reality headsets.
當我看到一個在花蓮開民宿的年輕人,用Air BnB網站為自己的店家進行宣傳,我感到非常興奮。或是當一個創業家,去比較美國Y Combinator和台灣AppWorks募資過程上的差異,我也一樣感到期待。當這些開創者在談論3D列印或是虛擬實境技術時,我可以感受到他們的熱情。
So the question that we face is, will we let our challenges define Taiwan in the decades to come? Can we afford to sit by while China and our neighbors in Southeast Asia catch-up? Or do we harness opportunities and create a new agenda to move Taiwan forward?
I’m confident that your answer is the same as my own. What Taiwan will look like in the next few decades will depend on our willingness to find new opportunities and act today.
Finally, I also wanted to share with you some of my own experiences. When I graduated from this university in 1978, I never imagined that I would have a career in politics, much less one day become that Chairperson of the DPP and possibly the next president of Taiwan.
I was trained in law and economics. I felt that it was very natural for me to have a career that can make best use of the two disciplines. So after I finished my doctorate from the London School of Economics, I returned to Taiwan where I spent a number of years teaching international trade law and policy.
Since the mid-1980s, I have been working as a trade negotiator for the government. At the time, Taiwan was working on a broad range of trade negotiations, particularly the negotiations for entering the WTO, an enormous task that involved thousands of regulatory changes. I was fortunate to have taken the chance to be the lead counsel to the negotiation team and help Taiwan enter the WTO.
In 2008, I saw another opportunity to again do something entirely different. That was to lead the DPP from the enormous challenges we were facing at the time, despite the fact that I had very little political experience.
Each opportunity has helped me better define who I am and what I can do. And in the future, I hope I will have the opportunity to face another – and much greater – set of challenges in leading this country.
So while I can't tell you what the world will be like in 2050. I can tell that it will be what we make of it.
It will depend on whether you harness the opportunities of globalization to define your own place in the world.
It will depend on whether you will be prepared enough to take advantage of the chances and opportunities that arise.
It will also depend on whether you can choose to look past, the tried, tested, and comfortable ways of doing things. Because all across the world, those things have already been done.
I encourage you to be adventurous and challenge yourself. Take risks and think outside the box, because that is where the opportunities are.
Thank you.
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