思科全球資深副總裁Ravi Chandrasekaran首先表示,歡迎蔡主席及民進黨參訪團的到來,期待雙方在未來的創新產業發展這議題上,能進行交流與分享。
思科全球智慧城市及產品資深總監Munish Khetrapal表示,智慧城市能透過物聯網,建立起交通、安全、環境、衛生等不同領域的網絡,提供市民更完整的資訊與互動模式,也能增加城市的便利性。
• 黃安捷:智邦科技董事長
• 陳正然:痞客邦執行董事
• 李漢銘:台灣科技大學資訊工程特聘教授
• 蔡志宏:台大電機學系教授
• 李維斌:台北市資訊局局長
• 彭盛韶:台北市資訊局機要秘書
• 張景森:蔡英文政策辦公室執行長
I like to thank Cisco for receiving us today, especially Senior Vice President Chandrasekaran.
Thank you for the gentlemen for this wonderful presentation for us. And we do have a team here and now in SFO and also in Taipei, too, despite the fact they are over there sleepy.
感謝各位給我們的精彩報告。 我們有一個(科技)團隊在舊金山的現場,在臺北也有一個團隊,雖然他們現在應該都很想睡覺。
I think the presentations are wonderful and they gave us a lot of thoughts. We have good interaction with Cisco in Taipei. This is why we have Mayor Lin here today to join us in this visit to Cisco.
我們在臺北跟思科叫有很好的互動。 這也是為什麼今天林又昌市長也在場的原因。
I have been wondering why this company is call Cisco, now I understand it is because it’s located here in San Francisco. I like the idea, because this is pretty much the same as the DPP, we have very strong local identity for the places we are in. So, I like the idea. I also like the idea that our presenters today, the briefings and the ideas that convey to us today are almost a feast for us, for our future government for governing of Taiwan as a country.
我本來有一個疑惑,為什麼思科叫做”Cisco”。 現在我知道了。是因為這個公司坐落於San Franciso。 我喜歡這個概念,因為這跟民進黨很像。我們都有強的本土意識,所以我喜歡這個概念。
我也很喜歡今天簡報中傳達的這些概念,對我們未來的政府必須怎麼運作方面, 這些簡報就像是一桌豐盛的晚宴。
So I want to thank you again for giving us this opportunity to have discussion with you and to listen to what you have to say. Apparently, Cisco has been working a lot in Taiwan and you have a very hectic team in Taiwan as well.
所以我要再一次謝謝大家跟我們這個可以互相討論跟聆聽的機會。 Cisco一直跟台灣都有密切的合作,你們在台灣也有著一個傑出的團隊。
So, we DPP have a plan for the future of Taiwan, especially for the economy. We want to move to an innovation, technology and knowledge-based economy. If we have an opportunity to run the country again from 2016 onward.
民進黨對台灣的未來已經有了個計劃,尤其是在經濟方面。 如果我們在2016執能政,我們要把台灣的經濟模式轉型成創新,科技以及知識化的經濟。
So, this is a time for us to research and to talk to people on how we are going to run the country and move the country’s economy to an innovation based economy.
And this idea of internet of thing is a wonderful thing. It makes us to rethink how a country, a city, an industry and a company should be run in the future business improvement and this technology and this innovation that we are now seeing.
還有,這個”Internet of things”是一個很棒的東西。 它讓我們重新想像,一個國家,城市,產業,或一間公司可以怎麼運轉。 (主席這裡英文有點怪怪的).
I guess we are very privilege to have this opportunity to meet with you gentlemen and ladies here. And hopefully, we’ll have more opportunity to sit down and talk. I’m sure Cisco will be a very important partner, I hope not the only partner. In the future when we move our economy forward, and I look forward to working with Cisco in the years and even decades to come.
我們今天非常榮幸能有這個機會能來跟各位先生女士見面。 我也希望今後能有機會能再跟大家談談。 我深信,思科會是一個很重要的夥伴,但我希望並不是唯一的夥伴。 在我們把經濟往前推的同時,我期待在未來幾年,甚至未來的十年,二十年都跟思科都有能夠合作。
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