2015年6月4日 星期四

美國國會歡迎酒會 眾議員贈蔡英文「自由雕像」

民進黨主席暨總統參選人蔡英文今天(6/4)美東時間(6/3)傍晚出席由外交委員會主席Ed. Royce所主持的美國國會歡迎酒會,民主黨資深議員Eliot Engel、共和黨議員Steve Chabot等17位眾議員到場致詞表達歡迎之意。國會酒會由台灣人公共事務協會(FAPA)籌辦,於美國國會山莊眾議院外交委員會會議廳舉行,席間Ileana Ros-Lehtinen議員並並致贈「自由雕像」(Statue of Freedom),提醒自由的可貴,並象徵守護台灣的自由。

由「台灣人公共事務會(FAPA)」主辦的國會酒會,包括眾議院外交委員會主席羅伊斯、華裔眾議員趙美心、孟昭文,日裔眾議員高井、美屬蕯摩亞國會代表Aumua Amata等人出席。眾議員蘿絲蕾婷娜親贈自由雕像給蔡英文時說,聳立在美國國會圓頂的雕像,除提醒所有人莫忘美國開國元勳的智慧,更希望自由雕像能給蔡英文精神和力量,完成讓台灣保有自由的使命。

Distinguished members of congress, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening. Thank you so much for welcoming me to Washington, D.C.

It’s really great to see so many friends, both old and new, in the room. Your presence here this evening certainly shows the strong bipartisan support Congress has for Taiwan.

I know many of you in the room have offered and endorsed resolutions supporting Taiwan’s international participation and defense cooperation. I want to extend to you my deepest gratitude for the demonstration of American friendship and commitment to building a solid relationship with Taiwan. I look forward to working with you closely to strengthen this bond in the years ahead.

Democracy – and the belief that democracy works – is the fundamental value that brings Taiwan and the United States together today.

It’s the underlying foundation of our friendship, which is reflected in our extensive security and economic relations, as well as our common contributions in global affairs. As leader of the DPP, I have reiterated my party’s commitment to making Taiwan a solid and reliable partner of the US.

Over the past week in the U.S., I’ve had the opportunity to have frank and open discussions on where the DPP stands on the future of our economy, defense, international space, and cross-strait relations.

On the economy, we will continue to work with the U.S. to strengthen investments and create jobs in both Taiwan and the U.S. We will push for Taiwan’s inclusion in regional economic architecture that will help to diversify our trade and protect Taiwan’s economic autonomy.

We also see great potential in our defense cooperation, including arms sales, defense industry partnerships, and personnel training. We will continue to seek Congressional support for the sale of defense articles in line with our strategy to build asymmetric capabilities that will strengthen our ability to deter aggression.

On the global front, and as I wrote about in greater detail in my recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, we will seek more meaningful ways of participating in the international arena. We will endeavor to identify areas where Taiwan can make contributions to the global community in a way that ensures the dignity and respect that the people of Taiwan deserve.

Finally, a more consistent and sustainable relationship with China will be a core goal of my administration. Protecting the ‘status quo’, as the people of Taiwan define it, namely a democratic way of life, respect for human rights, and the rule of law, will be the principal objective of my cross-strait agenda, one which reflects the expectations of the Taiwanese people.

It is my intention to ensure that the Taiwan-U.S. agenda moves forward in a DPP administration. We will uphold our commitment to stability and peace both across the Strait and in the region.

So again, I would like to thank you for friendship, hospitality, and support. I look forward to the opportunity to work with everybody closely in the years ahead.

As I have said again and again, Taiwan has no greater friend than the United States Congress.

With this, I ask you to join me in a toast: 請各位舉杯加入我們!
‘To democracy" 敬民主
‘To friendship" 敬友誼
‘To the great future of Taiwan-U.S. relations"
Thank you. 謝謝

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