2009年8月16日 星期日






天怒之後會有人怨,台灣人民請不要再卑微的跟馬英九下跪,該跪的是這個政府,是馬英九而不是受難的家屬。br />
獨立媒體 採訪報導

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  1. 到CNN來投票 ( 馬英九是否該引咎辭職)右邊第五個欄位Quickvote按YES

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    讓 CNN 了解真正台灣內部民意.

  2. LOL

    Just look at that Japanese flag in the background...

    This is obviously one of the DPP ploys.

    Lets not forget Taiwanese economic ties with the Mainland is necessary evil? That's as mutual as I can put it for the DPP folks.

    What Taiwan needed was heavy lifting helicopters. Should they accept Mainland China's offer of Russian MI-26, which the Mainland bragged as the world's biggest?

    Nah. U.S.-built CH-53E arrived...not immediately! (Poli-saster Aid = Delays)

    US and Taiwan probably wouldn't want Mainland military personnel fly around inside Taiwan anyway. LOL

    Turning down Mainland aid is just as diplomatically challenging for your President Ma. You might want to think about that.

    I feel for all Taiwanese victims of Typhoon Morakot.

    I really can't agree with your biased opinion as an U.S. citizen who visited Taiwan numerous times.

  3. Only dumbass will allow Chinese military to get into their country.


  4. The anonymous US citizen who has visited Taiwan numerous times is obvious as heartless and brain-damaged as they come. To laugh in the face of victims of such disasters who have lost their loved ones and all they've ever possessed shows only this cold-blooded individual having absolutely zero compassion for any. I hope that you never face the same situation as those you LOL at, but if it ever happens, I would like to find out how you react to others LOL at you.

    Is there anything that you cannot link to DPP? You may as well claim DPP a political party of Japan, this showing of retardation never cease to amuse me, I suppose this joke of a human is the only thing that can bring a modest chuckle out of me under the circumstances.

    Taiwan's economy, in its past 400 years has only strives when it severs ties from China, crack open your history textbook and do a little research before preaching your so-called "necessary evil". We want nothing to do with evil China empire, if such is necessary for you, why not drop your US citizenship and go back to where you came from? Obviously the land of the free and the home of the brave is not where you belong. If I remember it correctly, one of the requirements of naturalization for US citizenship is NOT having been a member of the Communist party. Did you happen to lie on your naturalization application? Perhaps the USCIS should initiate an investigation into your candor, keep in mind that dishonesty on your citizenship application may be ground for deportation. Perhaps it would suit you just fine since you obviously cannot wait to join your evil compatriots.

    When Taiwan needed heavy duty lifting machinery it was the US that first extended its hand to help, and KMT refused foreign aids.

    And just what kind of dumbass would want China's military troops within its border? Excuse me, just how damaged is your soul or your brain to desire enemy trooper on your land?

    Laugh all you want, I hope you choke on it. You do NOT feel for a single soul in Taiwan, so you can drop your pretense and go fuck yourself.

  5. 烏魚子本來就是日本觀光客的最愛,插日本國旗觀迎有何不對。一個日本觀光客帶來的觀光收益是中國觀光客的五倍。


